Investor: Simona Stankovich
Materials used: Hidromal, Bond U, Butyl tape, Flagon BSL 1.5mm, Hiperseal, Hidromal Fleks, Geotextile t-300, Stirokol P, Primer V, Hidrofas
Investor: Aleкandаr Cipan
Materials used: Adingpoкs 1P, Glet, Solvent P, Hyperdesmo ad-u
Applied Materials: Stirokol P, Prajmer V, Hyindrofas Z, Vrsku U, Hidromal, Hidromal Fleks, Butyl Strip
>> PhotosDescription: Facing works
Used materials: Bond-U, HIdrofas-Z, Primer V, Stirokol-P
The building was finished in 2013
Investor: Imperial Tobako TKS - Skopje
Description: facade
Used materials: Hidrofas Z, Hidrokol S, Adingkolor F
The building was completed in 2012
>> PhotosInvestor: Power Sport System - Skopje
Description: retaining wall facade
The building was completed in 2012.
>> PhotosInvestor: Ading AD
Description: construction facade and floors
Used materials: Adingmarker P, Adingkolor F, Adingfas Z, Hidromal flex
The building was completed in 2012.
>> PhotosInvestor: Mr. Todor Ivanovski
Description: facade 500 m2
The building was completed in 2006.
Investor: Mr. Laze Elenovski
Description: facade 500 m2
The building was completed in 2005
Investor: Repro 21
Description: facade works and interiors
The building was completed in 2003.
>> Photos
Investor: PUIK, C.C. “Nastel” - Skopje
Description: facade works and interiors
The building was completed in 2003.
Investor: DASU “Boro Petrushevski”
Description: facade 250 m2
The building was completed in 2003.
Investor: Mr. Risto Gushterov
Description: facade 1000 m2
The building was completed in 2003.
Investor: G.P. “Kastel” - Skopje
Description: interior 20,000 m2
The building was completed in 2003.
Investor: Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Macedonia
Description: facade works and interiors
The building was completed in 2002.
Investor: C.C. Pelagonija
Description: facade works and interiors
The building was completed in 2002.
Investor: Evropa 92
Description: facade works and interiors
The building was completed in 2002.
Investor: Evropa 92
Description: facade works and interiors
The building was completed in 2002.
Investor: “Konartis”
Description: coating with Stirokol, facade 4000 m2
The building was completed in 2002.
Investor: “Konartis”
Description: coating with STIROKOL, façade 3500 m2
The building was completed in 2002.
Investor: MIKEI - Skopje
Description: facade: 500м2
The building was completed in 2002.
Investor: Hotel "Holiday Inn” - Skopje
Description: facade (rebuilding of the ground floor) 300 m2
The building was completed in 2002
Investor: C.C. Granit
Description: facade works and interiors
The building was completed in 2000.
Investor: LEK - Skopje
Description: facade works and interiors
The building was completed in 1998.
Investor: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Macedonia
Description: facade works and interiors
The building was completed in 1998.
Investor: Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Macedonia
Description: facade 2400 m2
The building was completed in 1998.
Description: facade 1000 m2
The building was completed in 1997.
Description: facade works and interiors
The building was completed in 1996.
Description: facade works and interiors
The building was completed in 1993.